I was going to do the first part of the Canada crisis here, but find myself tragically blocked by server downtime. This, you'll notice, is a bit of an issue with Champions Online.

This is the longest one I've come across to date, probably because of the conversion over to Free-To-Play mode, but it's pretty frequent that you won't be able to play the game between 3am and 5am, for example. Bringing servers down for maintenance is nothing new for MMOs, although since Champions Online has different zones instanced and only uses one server (or uses all the servers at once, I dunno how these things work) it brings the entire game down, and simply switching to that alt on a different server isn't an option.
Furthermore, they tend to bring it all down at the same time every few days (or in some annoying cases, every day for a week or so) effectively preventing a certain segment of their user population from playing the game at all, if they have an unusual work schedule and would normally play while most people are asleep, for example.
This isn't really something you can get too angry about if you're free to play or have a lifetime subscription, I suppose, but when you're paying fifteen dollars a month for a service and then that service isn't being provided when you would utilize it, I think there's some legitimate grounds for annoyance there.
Me, I've got the lifetime subscription, so not so much.
So, instead, I'm going to waste your time with old screenshots of my main, The Centurion, who's in much higher areas of the game than Iron Will. It gets pretty epic later on.
If you go the Super Strength route, your characters physical might will eventually approach a level referred to in comics as "ludicrous". Observe.

This comes in handy, though, if your superhero is a "
Flying Brick" type. Whether or not this route is for you can best be determined by the following 12-part quiz.
THE CENTURION'S GUIDE TO HEROIN'.(not to be confused with diamorphine)
A powerful psionic woman with the ability to create blades of pure energy from her arms is attacking you in an enclosed space. Do you...
A. Try to reason with her?
B. Put as many obstacles between yourself and her energy blades as possible?
C. Punch her in the brain?

You discover that a paramilitary group is conducting illegal research at a remote jungle facility that is causing significant damage to the surrounding ecosystem. Do you...
A. Gather evidence and inform the international authorities as quickly as possible?
B. Sneak into their facility and sabotage their equipment, preventing them from doing futher damage until they replace it?
C. Punch them in the brain?

While carefully maneuvering yourself through an underwater school of giant electric jellyfish, you are suddenly approached by a mutated great white shark. Do you...
A. Head for the surface immediately?
B. Swim deeper into the jellyfish school, putting them between yourself and the shark?
C. Punch it in the brain?

You have discovered an old shipwreck at the bottom of the sea. Furthermore, the tortured souls of the deceased pirate crew still haunt the waters surrounding the vessel. Do you...
A. Go back to the surface and attempt to find a qualified sorcerer or priest to perform an exorcism and lay their souls to rest?
B. Attempt to communicate with the ghosts and see why they are still here?
C. Punch them in the brain?

A number of friendly robots have been hacked and reprogrammed by a supervillain of unknown origin. The robots are recoverable and extremely valuable, but also very hostile. Do you...
A. Subdue the robots long enough to reboot them and eliminate the hostile programming?
B. Attempt to harmlessly deactivate the robots and move them to an area where robotics experts can examine them?
C. Punch them in the brain?

While deep-sea diving for ancient Lemurian artifacts, a massive construct you had assumed deactivated suddenly begins to move. Do you...
A. Watch the construct and see what it does?
B. Radio for help and retreat to a safe distance until more divers arrive?
C. Punch it in the brain?

An ancient race of psychic extradimensional worms has been discovered in a tunnel deep beneath the surface of the earth. One among them has crafted himself a robotic suit and come to the surface world, vowing to enslave it as his ancestors once did eons ago. Do you...
A. Speak to the creature, convincing it that the world has changed and that your two peoples can live in peace without the need for conquest?
B. Collapse the tunnel, sealing the worms deep beneath the earth once more?
C. Punch it in the brain?

While patrolling an area near the graveyard at night, you come upon a vampire attempting to drain a living victim of blood. It is common knowledge that vampires are vulnerable only to sunlight, holy water, garlic, decapitation, fire, or having a stake driven through their hearts. Do you...
A. Distract the vampire long enough for the victim to get to safety, and then retreat?
B. Use your powers and your wits to create a flame of some kind to drive back or destroy the vampire?
C. Punch it in the brain?

A nether-demon has imprisoned the soul of a dead superhero and plans to release him at the head of an unstoppable zombie army to destroy the city. Do you...
A. Assemble an army of heroes to stand against the zombies?
B. Research a counter-spell to release the soul of the dead hero and work together to take down the demon?
C. Punch it in the brain?

Take a breather, you're almost done. In this final section, we will cover what to do in the event of large-scale, potentially catastrophic scenarios.

An ancient and powerful frost-spirit has been released from it's frozen tomb and has vowed to bring another ice age to the world of men. Do you...
A. Hurry to re-seal the tomb as quickly as possible, hopefully trapping the spirit once again?
B. Try to convince the frost-spirit that the world has changed and that his shadowy influence is no longer needed?
C. Punch it in the brain?


An enormous robot the size of a skyscraper has appeared in a heavily populated urban area and is launching an all-out assault on the city. Dozens of superheroes have banded together to stop the robot, but so far even their combined efforts have been futile. Do you...
A. Go in search of more allies to bolster the superheroes forces and give them an edge in the battle?
B. Go to the military and convince them to call in airstrikes against the gargantuan machine?
C. Punch it in the brain?


An immensely powerful renegade archangel has broken with the heavens and made a pact with the half-demon tribe of lost angels known as the nephilim to bring about the prophesied end of the world and ultimate destruction of all of creation. They have headquartered themselves in a church torn free from the earth and suspended several hundred feet in a bleeding sky, impaled on a pillar of light stretching all the way from hell to heaven above. Do you...
A. Research this prophecy and all of the players involved in hopes of finding a loophole or some way to stop the prophesied end of creation?
B. Travel to the far corners of the world assembling an army of the most powerful and knowledgeable heroes and villains in the world to unite against the forces of the apocalypse?
C. Punch it in the brain?

Thank you. This concludes our test.
If you answered anything but C. you may not be cut out for the "
flying brick" school of superheroing. Also, you're a pansy.